
1-Day Workshop

102 Foundations is the Intermediate Workshop is the follow on from our 101 Foundation workshop which gives more in-depth training. Topics covered is:

  1. Visual Aids: You will be fascinated to learn of the wide range of visual aids that can be used to minister the gospel. Your ministry effectiveness will increase by using these tools
  2. Leading a child to Christ: The most important part of your Sunday morning is to know how and when to lead your children in a prayer of salvation. Learn a large variety of ways that this can be done in a child friendly way.
  3. Keeping Kids Controlled: There is seldom a children’s church that does not have discipline problems. After this class, you will never again allow a child or a group of children to ambush your ministry of the gospel
  4. Meeting a child’s spiritual needs: All children have spiritual needs, the greatest of which is the need to be forgiven of sin and reconciled to the creator. This section will equip you to help them learn to meet their spiritual needs.
  5. Tithes and Offerings: When children learn how to give tithes and offerings at a young age, they carry the practice into adulthood. This teaching on tithes and offerings will help you make them understand why they have to practice giving when they are still young.


1-Day Workshop

  • Children Ministry Philosophy
  • Children in Ministry
  • Advanced Praise and Worship
  • Advanced Scripture Memorisation
  • Advanced Storytelling
  • Advanced Object Lessons